Men's Sunday School Class

Taught by John Austin

Sundays at 9:30am


Ironmen is to help men grow in their walk with Christ by applying the truths of God's word to their lives. Ironmen is a monthly fellowship for men which includes breakfast, time in the Word, and prayer to sharpen each other. This gathering exists to glorify God by equipping and encouraging men to fulfill their God-ordained roles as leaders in the home, the church, and the world.

We will grow and encourage each other by providing biblical instruction, personal discipleship, genuine fellowship, and spiritual accountability. We will work with each other to draw closer to God, grow, and apply scripture, but this isn't easy. This is why we need to meet, to instruct, to encourage, and to hold one another accountable. It helps when we are able to face together a common enemy and conflicts common to all.

We typically meet the 2nd Saturday of each month at 8:30 am in the Fellowship Hall.