Sunday Worship Gathering Times
9:30 AM Bible Study - Downstairs Classrooms
11:00 AM Worship - Sanctuary (Upstairs)
5:30 PM-7:00 PM Youth Worship - Upstairs Classrom
5:30 PM-7:00 PM AWANA - Downstairs Classrooms
What to Expect
Our 11 AM Worship Gathering is a good place to go for the first time here. Members of our leadership team will be in the lobby and in the Santuary to help you with your visit. You may be wondering what to wear? There is not a formal "dress code." Some dress formally, other dress buisness casual, and others dress a bit more casually.
Calvary Baptist has been in the community since 1953, and has been located on 1st Street for over 60 years. Our 11:00 AM worship gathering feature songs of the church and are sung by our church family. Our Pastor Daniel LaRocco, preaches verse-by-verse. We strvie to live it out in our community and with each other.
Whether you are visiting our area or looking for a place to grow in your knowledge of and love for God, we invite you to worship with us Sunday and see what Calvary Fulton is about.
If you are visiting on a Sunday, we encourage you to park in the south parking lot located near our church sign. The south parking lot put you close to the main entrance and you will be able to quickly get to our sanctuary and explore on your own.
922 W. First St. S Fulton, NY 13069